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From the Bottom Up pdf

From the Bottom Up mobi-Kindle file

From the Bottom Up epub file

Channa Ran Away
Channa the cat had many adventures and took me on a few as well. In this one I became a tough guy for a moment, right out of the movies. The factory I was working in was 60 miles east … Continued

Schooner Cats Swimming Lessons Chapter 18 read from the book
This is not an extra story as it is read from the book! After we were aboard for a couple of years Kristen and I were feeling very homey on Cassiopeia. We began to think about getting some company. Maybe … Continued

This one is almost a poem, read from the book, it’s about sailing off the edge of the world “The Edge”
This is about a moment after my first BIG storm. The sea was incredibly calm and I was on night watch by myself. I had not slept for a couple of days. It was only my second time at sea … Continued

Dean Screamed
A story about racing sailboats, and about crashing sailboats, and about getting over it. Winning was fun!

Dengue Fever free for now due to the outbreak!
I nearly died. But i didn’t. I wear long pants a lot in the heat of the tropics ever since. Mosquitoes are not my friends.